Over the years, the Board of Selectmen has tried to avoid holding a fall Special Town Meeting, concerned that gathering a quorum would be a burden to residents of the Town.

On November 12th, we will need to hold a Special Town Meeting, and it is my hope that voters will view this as an opportunity to weigh in on some important fiscal matters and gather to celebrate a busy summer and a beautiful fall.  Town Meeting can be a great opportunity to reconnect with our neighbors and even meet new ones!

We have only nine Articles proposed for your consideration, and it is my hope that voters will support all nine.  The first three articles provide for much needed replacement of Police vehicles.

The first vehicle for replacement is the cruiser that was totaled in an accident this summer.  Fortunately there were no life-threatening injuries, and the Town’s insurance will fund the cost of replacing the vehicle.  The second vehicle replacement was approved at Town Meeting last April; but, unfortunately failed at the ballot by a few votes in a very low turn-out election.

Finally the third vehicle will replace the Police Department’s 2006 4 SUV with a 4-wheel pick-up truck that can be shared with other departments.  After the endless winter storms we survived last year, I think it is important that the Police Department has a reliable 4-wheel drive vehicle for the coming winter season.  A majority of the Board of Selectmen have supported all three of these vehicles, and it is my hope that voters will support these important investment in our public safety efforts as well.

I look forward to seeing you at the Community Center on Tuesday, November 12th at 6:00 PM and hope you will encourage all your friends and neighbors to attend.


Jay Coburn
Chair, Board of Selectmen
(508) 349-7004