My first month on the job has been rewarding and interesting. Thanks to Charleen Greenhalgh, Assistant Town Administrator, I was able to get up to speed quickly on the upcoming Special Town Meeting articles. The Warrant was completed and posted early, with the help of Julie Dupree and Nicole Tudor, the other members of our Administration team.

I met individually with all the department heads and toured most of the Town facilities. The staff has been welcoming and supportive. Also, we have been working on two important projects: the implementation of the Selectmen’s FY2012 goals and a general review of operations.

Implementation of Selectmen's Goals

With one quarter of the fiscal year already behind us, staff has “hit the ground running” to begin work on implementing the goals. Each department head has been assigned to two or three teams. We will report to Selectmen quarterly beginning in January, and I will continue to provide updates in the eNewsletter.

Operations Review

Two department head meetings have been devoted to a Town-wide operations review.  The first step was to compile a list of “essential functions” of the department from the perspective of public interactions and interaction with other departments and agencies.  We are exploring ways to increase efficiency and productivity to offer more on-line services.  Our brainstorming session generated a list of 25 to 30 areas for further investigation.  This will be a long-term project, but I hope to have a preliminary list of what we're working on for the December eNewsletter.

Staffing Changes and Updates

It is with regret that we accept the resignation of Meg Royka as Library Director.  It is extremely thoughtful and professional of Meg to give the Town six-months' notice, with a March or April 2012 departure date.  Moreover, she has also agreed to help with the search for a replacement, and she will remain a Truro resident.  We have received several applications for the Library Assistant position being vacated by Karen Rosenblatt, who is relocating to Florida. Meg and I will be conducting interviews shortly. 

DPW Director Paul Morris reassigned staff at the Transfer Station. Some great changes and upgrades have been made in the office and throughout the entire facility.  Applications to fill vacancies will be due on November 2, and we will hope to conduct interviews immediately and get the department back to full staff.  Related to the Transfer Station: we will be meeting to discuss procedural changes. Also, Paul is investigating the installation of a scale.  Receipts were up $1,500 this September compared to last year.

We also want to recognize Paul Morris for receiving an Environmental Recognition Award for his work on dune restoration at Ballston Beach.  In the OCEAN newsletter from Safe Harbor Environmental, they noted that, “Paul prefers being a 'behind the scenes' guy, but he was one of the first to step up in support of our innovative restoration strategy for the eroding barrier dune system at Truro's Ballston Beach.  Thank you to Paul and his Department.”

It is a pleasure to be working with Kyle Takakjian as Acting Police Chief.  I recently toured the Police facility with Kyle, and he has been excellent about keeping me updated and making himself available for questions and support.  Kyle and I are both pleased that the Selectmen sent a letter of support and commendation to the officers and staff of the department.

Dwight Forstie, from PK Valuation Group, has been hired by the Assessor's office to perform field inspections.  Townspeople may see him inspecting and photographing their property.  He will, of course, be supplied with appropriate identification, and folks should feel free to ask for that verification.

Cynthia Slade, Town Clerk, Treasurer and Collector,  recently received renewal of her certification from the Massachusetts Collectors and Treasurers Association. 

Noelle Scoular has increased her hours in the Building, Health and Conservation Department during the time Arozana Davis has been out caring for her new baby.  We are grateful that Noelle took on the additional hours because she was already trained and well-versed in department procedures.

As the holiday season approaches, have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.  Just a reminder: the Town offices will be closed the day after Thanksgiving.

Rex Peterson
Town Administrator
(508) 349-7004, ext 10