
The Board of Selectmen has charged the Truro Energy Committee with developing an Energy Reduction Plan that will reduce energy costs incurred by the town itself.

The Town of Truro's municipal energy consumption in fiscal year 2009 totalled $311,403, broken down by type of energy as follows:

  • Electricity: $142,171
  • Heating Oil and Propane: $79,220
  • Vehicle Fuels: $90,013

The long-term goal is at least a 20% reduction in usage in five years.



In order to reduce costs, it will take a combination of approaches, namely:

All three approaches are currently underway.

GC logoThe Green Communities Grants from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are being pursued, but first Truro must meet certain eligibility criteria.

"Green Communities Grants will help cities and towns finance targeted investments in energy efficiency and renewable power, furthering Governor Patrick's clean energy goals, saving money in local budgets, and reducing the carbon footprint of our municipalities," Mass. Department Of Energy Resources (DOER) Commissioner Phil Giudice said.

The Green Communities grant program can be significant for the Town of Truro, but to become eligible, Truro must formalize and adopt several policies and by-laws in order to join the ranks of 53 other towns that have already qualified. Click here to learn more.